
The Next-Generation SaaS Starter Kit

Launch Your Next Startup at Stellar Speed

Save countless hours of work and ship your next project faster with this NextJS boilerplate. Focus on what really matters instead of wasting time rebuilding the same basic features.

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Front-End Framework


Feature 1 image

This starter kit uses Next.js, a popular React-based frontend framework, in a production-ready and modern tech stack.

  • Next.js 14
  • App Router
  • Typescript and/or Javascript

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Feature 2 image

Authentication is handled by Logto, a feature-rich 3rd-party auth provider. Users can now log in and sign up with ease.

  • Email + Password
  • Email OTP (one-time password)
  • Email confirmation, change email address
  • Forgot password, reset password, change password
  • Social authentication (Github, etc.)
  • Delete account
  • User management (via Logto console)

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Stripe or LemonSqueezy

Feature 3 image

Collect payments and handle subscriptions with Stripe or LemonSqueezy. This starter kit integrates the following payment features:

Checkout Page

Securely accept credit cards and other payment methods at checkout

Customer Portal

Allow users to view and update their subscription and billing information

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Tailwind CSS + shadcn/ui + Umami

Feature 4 image

Built with Tailwind CSS and shadcn/ui, the UI is beautiful yet minimalistic. Also, track users and events with Umami analytics.

  • Dark mode
  • Mobile responsive design
  • Fully customizable for your brand
  • Web analytics with Umami

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Drizzle ORM

Feature 1 image

Leverage the power and flexibility of Drizzle, a lightweight and performant headless ORM that is serverless-ready by design.

  • Supports PostgreSQL (default), MySQL and SQLite
  • Perform schema migrations with ease
  • Visualize and edit data with Drizzle Studio

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Feature 6 image

Write user-friendly docs and help guides with Nextra.

  • MDX support
  • Text Search feature
  • Syntax examples provided

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One-time purchase. Unlimited projects.

Buy once with no recurring fees. Use it as many times as you want.

Lifetime access

For unlimited projects

Early bird discount
  • Next.js (app router)
  • Drizzle ORM
  • Logto authentication (email/password, email OTP & social provider)
  • Stripe or LemonSqueezy payments
  • Landing page & dashboard
  • Tailwind CSS & shadcn/ui
  • Dark mode
  • Umami website analytics
  • Nextra user documentation
  • Saves you weeks of effort
  • Lifetime repository access for one user
  • Unlimited number of projects
  • Github Discussions & email support
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Frequently Asked Questions

Have another question? Email me here.

The starter kit includes the basic features needed to launch an online SaaS product or web app, such as authentication (login, sign up, etc.), a payment system and more.